Friday, December 3, 2010

crooked as sin

It's been a stressful, stressful week. Tomorrow is friday and I can't wait to just chill out with my friends without having to stress about having assignments in. Exams are another story, but I won't worry about them right now. Know what I need?

ahhh... I feel as though I should quit smoking. Newfoundland winters are cold and it's miserable. But no matter how good I am during the week, as soon as I get a couple drinks in me I can't help but feed my face with cancer sticks.

I worked on this project for hours and hours today and more when I got home. It was worth it though.

Time to relax.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

biggest grinder

This rings true, but I don't know if it's right or not. I'm notorious for letting people walk on me and not saying a word to them, letting them continue on guilt free. Is it because it's the easiest thing for me to do? Avoiding conflict is my number one skill. I'm so passive that when I get hurt I retreat into myself and don't speak a word of my pain to others until it's healed. "You're so chill". It might seem like it but my insides are a fucking tsunami of doubts and worries.

Break this spiderweb! Anger therapy at its finest.

Coming soon: I'm making a time lapse video of a tape drawing project I have to do for my 2d art class. hopefully it will turn out pretty cool.

I made these great little egg things for supper. om nom nom

They're really simple to make. Hollow out a dinner bun, crack an egg on the inside. Add a bit of 2 percent milk or cream, some sea salt and italian seasoning like oregano. Stick em in a muffin tin and bake for 30 minutes. Derricous!! 

Yes, I'm a vegetarian and I like eggs. Don't judge me! They be so tastyy.
