Tuesday, November 30, 2010

hey mama rock me

So, first blog post. EVER. And I've definitely got major writer's block.

Well, today i slept through art history because i stayed up so goddamn late to finish the paper that was due for that class. Not to mention that i don't have a printer, so scouring residence for someone that would let me use theirs took up a fair bit of my time too. It's nearing the end of the semester and I'm pretty stressed what with so many projects due.

enough complaining! cute baby animal pictures~~~!@_)#


I've gotta say, I fucking love animals. I've been veg for about six years now. I'm not a pushy vegetarian though. One thing that definitely pisses me off is people who try to shove their views on other people. I don't care if you eat a hamburger! It's your life, and I'm not going to tell you have to live it. But for fucks sakes, don't chew your big mac in front of my face with your mouth hanging open. 

And PETA? Fuck peta. Their forceful, hateful adverstising methods are extremely irritating and a constant source of paranoia. They give us regular, down to earth vegetarians a bad name. Do you know how many animals they kill yearly in their "Shelters"? A fucking lot, that's how many*.

*Forgive my bad math, I'm a visual arts student

Anyways, I've got some homework to do. I'll leave you with a video of me and my friend singing wagon wheel by Against me! peace.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, a little otter! You otter know that this has made my day...
